Wednesday, January 20, 2010
i will write, i will go to the gym, i will read, i will knock whatever off my list, i will sew, i will go out in the world and surround myself with people who share my values. everyone else doesn't need to be responded to. perhaps only acknowledged if that. ok.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
why don't i feel good?
good thing is now i can go to the gym. seriously, i should have just done it with my bike, but i didn't. thing is, it's one thing to ride the bike with a sense of pride, however for me it was just demoralizing. i wasn't doing it for exercise or fresh air or the environment... i was doing it because the only other option was the bus. and then the weather turned, i was home too many hours of too many days, and i started in with the bus. what the fucking fuck?!??!?
i am frustrated. this tinge of anger i'm feeling right now is a welcome break from the usual sadness that permeates each hour of each day now. i am depressed. can't get out of bed, do not like to look in the mirror, do not enjoy myself unless i'm high (and even then, i'm not really having the fun i used to on drugs). i can't bring myself to fuck anyone, but that doesn't matter, because no one is really lining up anyway. i can't give it away. so many people tell me i look a lot younger than i am, yet i'm not getting the attention i used to. or at least it seems. it may be that i'm going after hotter guys than i used to and i'm not giving it out to the same ugly types i always used to... so there's more rejection nowadays. a lot more. but even though i rationally KNOW that's ok, i have to ask myself if this new rejection is because i'm older and uglier, or i'm coming off more DESPARATE and therefore uglier.
anyway, this entry is a bit unorganized, but fuck it. i needed to vent, and vent i did. tomorrow i hope to go to a new movie with an old friend (and hopefully he won't hit on me, but unfortunately that is likely). i also hope to hit the gym. i did yesterday for the first time in weeks, and lord did it help!
Monday, January 11, 2010
i don't get it
i miss my ex. i miss that feeling of laughter. i miss having someone to hold or to lean against. i barely miss sex though. jesus. i can't watch porn without wondering if i'll ever have decent sex again. ever. i don't know what to do in this moment. i know i need to get out and do things like read, go to the gym, get into school. i am afraid i will waste too much of my money or fuck up my UI. i need to be smart about my decisions in these next few weeks. super smart... and that paralyzes me. everything paralyzes me. i have the hardest time concentrating. jesus. anxiety. oh god.
i long for ____, but i feel like i don't even know him. tonight, i found a new picture of him online and i didn't recognize him. he's an entirely different person than the guy i dated. of course he is who he is and i must have loved an apparition, but i can't help longing for who it was i loved.
there is a laundry list of what i want in a man, in my friends, in my life... i put a ton on them on my ex, and now that he ran away from me, i have no one to put all that on. i feel so alone, drifting, hurt, alone. i am afraid to have any involvment with any men because i can't stand the possibility of being misled or the possibility of hurting someone or feeling trapped. damn, damn, damn.
i need a fuller life. tomorrow i will go to the gym, work on a custom order overdue, and shop for a vehicle and make a list of what i need to look for in a vehicle.
Friday, January 8, 2010
things are much better now. however, they are not all better. i need to read. i need to write. actually, i think if i wrote a little everyday, esp. at the beginning of the day, i would feel more grounded instead of soooo very scattered. then i would have more confidence. for instance, even though i KNOW i like to read and i know how important it is, and i know i have read a ton ever since i was very young and it was without the prompting of anyone at all, i still have this buzzing in the back of my brain that says i'm doing it to impress others. shit. perhaps both are true... i want it to improve my mind and to gain admiration from others. i don't yet know if that is all right. what percentage of each should i be at? where would i feel most comfortable? anyway, beginning to write will guide me to where i need to be with my reading. i know it. and that in itself is so way beyond where i was a few months ago.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
new year, old issues
just posted a lot of new photos on my facebook. there's a few with a boy i spent the actual new year with. just me and him and some shrooms and molly. good times. but wait... it was at a show and i met him through our mutual friend who we lost along the way after my friend found her way to a random guy... long story short, i was way into this guy but could tell he was not going to go beyond just friends. if i weren't so high, i would have told myself to let it go, but instead i figured i had nothing to lose by pushing it by kissing and hugging him. hell, i was hugging EVERYBODY! but kissing just him. he didn't pull away, but didn't kiss back either. he was higher than i, so i guessed that was why i was getting mixed messages rather than a blow off, but still... i was hoping for a miraculous event (thanks to the huge rush of seratonian), so i pushed. it wasn't until we all met up after the show and i asked him if he wanted to continue to hang out that he finally fessed up to having a girlfriend. she was down in mexico waiting for him.
it was funny... on the one hand, i feel silly for going there and getting rejected, on the other, he didn't reject me. he spent almost the whole show with me, was with me at midnight, and didn't make me feel weird once. even when he had to finally tell me he had a girlfriend, i still got the feeling that he did like me... i can't read his mind, but i get the feeling he enjoyed having a cute, friendly girl to hand out with at a show he only knew a couple of accquaintences at, and that he didn't feel the slightest urge to do anything against his relationship, but at the same time, it was a sweet, flirty thing. argh, i'm not really putting this into the most elegant wording, but the long and short of it is that i'm glad to have spent time with him that night. he was incredibly beautiful. he was tall and scientific and smart and skinny and a mountain man. ooooh.
anyway, i was putting pics up on facebook, and i was hoping that by seeing them, my ex and my enemies would witness how incredible i am, and how i don't care about what they've done to me and they are wrong and i am great. fantasy, fantasy, fantasy. i hope one day I KNOW i am great and i hope that one day I HAVE a boyfriend who is every bit as wonderful as that one guy and he stays true to me that guy stays true to his gf. one day, one day, one day.
thing is, none of that will happen so long as i sit on this damn computer everyday. but i'm sad, i'm frightened, i'm tired, i'm alone, i'm sick, i'm bored, i'm dumb, i'm weak, i'm lazy, i'm stuck. i know how to change all these things, but so far, not really happening. lazy, lazy, lazy. i saw an ad on cl. damn cute. my age. soooo tempted to answer, but i don't like the chance of rejection, or lameness, or anyone i know finding out about it. argh. i will try to look out for him randomly in rl instead. that's better. argh. he seems like the tight black pants type anyway.